Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / by Mia Franzen
History of the American Flag
- Flag day said to have originated in 1885 by BJ Cingrand. He was a school teacher in Fredonia, Wisconsin
- He arranged for his students and staff to observe June 14th as the American Flag's Birthday
- You would think that would be July 4th, but that day is America's birthday, not the American Flag!
- June 14, 1889 - George Balch, kindergarten teacher in New York City, arranged for the children of his school to celebrate this day as "Flag Day" (the shortened version of Flag Birthday)
- The State Board of Education adopted this in New York City
- 1891 - Betsy Ross held Flag Day celebration
- Dr. Edward Brooks, Superintendent of Philadelphia Public Schools instructed that Flag Day exercises be held on June 14, 1893 in Independence Square
- The kids were assembled, each with a flag, singing patriotic songs
- 1894 - Governor of New York demanded that on June 14th flags must be displayed on all public buildings
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